Postgresql Export Query Result From Remote to Local in CSV file

cd .. || cd

July 25, 2023 · 2 mins · Robertus Chris

Table of Contents

A Brief Intro

Have you ever thought of how to get postgresql query result from remote server to our local machine?

If so, this short post might be for you.


Before we start, please keep in mind that there are other methods to get postgresql query result from remote server to local machine, the method that i mentioned after this is the easier method for me.

Alright, let’s get to it!

Before we start, you need to configure the ssh stuff like private key and so on. So i will assume you already set it up in your ssh config.

In this post we’ll use psql to get the query result and copy() function from postgresql.

Now, let’s say we have this query:

SELECT count(*) as user_count
FROM users;

and we want to put those query result in user-count.csv.

The first thing we need to do is make a query file with the sql query above and copy() like this:

SELECT count(*) as user_count
FROM users;
TO stdout WITH csv header

For simplicity, we will put those sql query in a file called query. After that, we can use this command:

ssh server-config 'psql -d postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db-name' < query

Please keep in mind that server-config is our ssh configuration in ~/.ssh/config, and postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db-name is our postgresql data source name (DSN).

If our query has result, we will see them in our terminal. Now to put those result in csv file, we can use redirection like this:

ssh server-config 'psql -d postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db-name' < query > user-count.csv

And, that’s it. Now we have our query result in csv file. Alright, see you next time!
