Postgresql Update Multiple Rows with One Query

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June 1, 2023 · 2 mins · Robertus Chris

Table of Contents

A Brief Intro

Have you ever wondering how to update multiple rows with one query? Let’s say you want to change value on table A where the name is anu on year 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Rather than doing 3 query with different WHERE statement, we can do that with one query. Without further ado, let’s go straight to it!

FROM statement

Postgresql has FROM clause in UPDATE statement which let us use columns on other table, it use the same syntax as FROM clause in SELECT statement.

We can combine FROM clause with VALUES expression. VALUES in postgresql let us create a constant table which means we can generate a table with constant values that can be used in a query without having to actually create and populate the table on disk.

Now here’s an example case:
Let’s say we need to update the price rows on area tokyo at table meat with year 2019, 2020, and 2021. We can make the query like this:

SET price = new.price
FROM (values
    (6942, 2019),
    (69420, 2020),
    (69690, 2021),
) AS new(price, year)
WHERE meat.area ILIKE 'tokyo'
AND meat.year = new.year

You can change the new in new(price, year) with anything you like.

Another example case:
Let’s say we need to update the city’s population on specific regencies. So we need to update data on population column in city table which has reference to regencies id. We can make the query like this:

SET population = new.population
    ('city 1', 69420),
    ('city 2', 6969)
) AS new(regency, population)
WHERE = city.regency_id
AND regencies.regency ilike new.regency
RETURNING regencies.regency, city.population;

The RETURNING clause is optional, it’s a way to check if we really changed the right rows or not. The ILIKE clause is an expression for insensitive case.

Alright, that’s it. See you next time!
